Helping nature do what it does best.

We specialise in sustainable composting solutions

Maximise the benefits of composting your organic waste stream.

With over 30 years of industry experience, we have the knowledge and skills necessary to help you design and implement an efficient and effective composting system that will yield premium soil amendments and promote sustainable waste management practices.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

We agree with Einstein (difficult not to) so we do not consider composting to be a waste management problem. It’s a manufacturing process producing a beneficial product. We have used our experience to design systems and supporting processes that can assist you to make that leap too.

How we assist

Whether you are a small business, a government ageny, or a large-scale industrial facility, we can assist you with every step of the composting process, from initial planning and design to ongoing maintenance and support.

Our services

We offer a range of services, including site assessments, equipment selection, system optimisation, training and education for your staff.

Our approach

We will work closely with you to understand your unique needs and challenges, and tailor a composting solution that best fits your specific circumstances. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you take advantage of the many benefits of composting, and turn your organic waste stream into a valuable resource.

Who we are

Our commitment to excellence is evident in the high-quality service we provide for our customers. We believe in attention to detail and strive to deliver exceptional customer service, working with you to create a reliable and hassle-free composting experience, beyond your expectations.

Our journey began with the operation of composting systems. We now offer the experience gained since 1999 to assist you with design and operation of your organics management systems. We now offer independent advice, custom compost system installations, operational support as well as compost marketing and sales.

Our experienced and professional staff, we are committed to enhancing our reputation within the industry and beyond.

Get intouch!

Martin Tower – Managing Director

Our unique technology

HEAPS – Autonomous Composting System

HEAPS – High-efficiency, low maintenance, autonomous compost technology.

Many entities are keen to improve their environmental footprint and enter the circular economy for organic materials but have been deterred by high capital costs, the time and expense of traditional methods and a belief that this is not core business for them.

Our Clients